Study War No More...

All conflict is not war related. There is a lifestyle that promotes a holistic nonviolent approach to every aspect of life relative to peace. The Institute for a New Humanity (INH) understands that peace is not the absence of conflict but more so our ability to handle conflict peaceably. The fundamental principles of being your brother's keeper and morality have been supplanted with greed and selfishness. Thus the manifestation of these polarizing behaviors have plunged humanity into a state of endless conflict. Inspired historical figures have sought the path of peace only to discover that the world was not ready for them. In reality, humanity has reached a breaking point where peace is the only option to secure the future. Hence, INH has dedicated itself to  ending the assault on peace via adoption of universal justice.

These precepts were espoused by the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and then embodied in the Village of Peace established by his excellency Ben Ammi Ben Israel in Dimona Israel

African Ambassadors to Israel

The Paradox

An earnest review of the Twentieth Century reveals a stunning paradox; with internet, such inventions as the lightbulb, airplane, television, radio and internet this past century was by far the most creative in human history...simultaneously the most destructive. While we were astounded by every marvelous new invention created, we found ourselves simultaneously awestruck by man's innovative ability to destroy at previously unforeseen levels and with unimaginable ferocity.

Consider the following disturbing scientific developments:

  • War reached an unprecedented scale and level of sophistication; in the Second World War alone, approximately 57 million people died, mainly due to massive improvements in weaponry.
  • Notwithstanding phenomenal scientific • and medical advances, new "lifestyle" killers arose such as cancer, high blood pressure and strokes, that continue to kill in epidemic proportions.
  • The richest 10% of people owned 85% of global assets in the year 2000. The bottom half of the world's population owned barely 1% of global wealth. The three richest people in the world have assets in the billions while over two billion people earn less than a dollar a day.
  • Expanding industrialization enabled corporations to reap untold profits from industries that wantonly pollute the air, land and water, contributing to the deaths of millions annually.
  • Agribusiness mastered the ability to produce and supply food products to global markets by land, sea and air, yet approximately 20 million people continue to die annually of starvation and malnutrition.

Our Programs

Trained professionals conduct workshops and consultations to pinpoint the core issues creating hostility within a group, community or region and assist in finding solutions to avoid conflict.



Trained professionals apply penetrating insight to dissolve strife and contention while working to bring parties towards amenable relations. The INH creates a courteous and respectful environment where ideas may be heard and constructively analyzed. Think Tanks bring together stakeholders, notable experts and leaders in various fields to discuss policy and chart direction for institutions and society.

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Identifying the core values and beliefs that affect decision making and behavior in order to effectively retrain and redirect thinking toward more harmonious outcomes.

We assist organizations and groups to create materials that promote the doctrine of constructive, non-violent problem-solving and the institutionalizing of the core principles of nonviolence.

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The INH holds global conferences that bring people together from all walks of life to identify developing trends and promote the expansion of the principles of nonviolent coexistence. Our public events feature renowned experts, scholars and specialist to provide the opportunity for exploring ideas at the forefront of regenerative social and human development.

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"... but now the time has come for man to experiment with nonviolence in all areas of human conflict, and that means nonviolence on an international scale."  - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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The Power of Non-Violence

The power and beauty of the philosophy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr is only partially identifiable through his speeches, writings and work. At the core of his mission is the God-inspired dream of the Beloved Community that he preached and taught, prayed and toiled for, sacrificed and ultimately gave his life for. Reflection upon the core message of Dr. King demands a deep, resounding introspection into our own values and beliefs and the world that produced them. Dr. King called for a true revolution of values - a principled, spirit driven way of relating to the value of people over things. His was a call to identify and recognize the sound of the pain and suffering of every man, woman and child as our own.

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